Sunday, 3 October 2010

Of Loiners, Lads and Lasses: My first week in Leeds


 So I finally decided to enter the world of the bloggers to keep you up to date about my life in Leeds: the city of the "lads and lasses," the place where Loiners pronounce "won" like "wun," "hello" like "helleee" and always affectionately refer to you with "ta luv".

A week has gone by since I've packed my bags and moved to the nice and rainy mother land Great Britain.
The weather is as one would expect very rainy and chilly...but hey, we're in Britain. I just had to laugh about the weather - not only is it impossible to stay dry from above as your brolly blows up all the time, but then there are those vicious puddles...I was just walking around an plooofff here we go one foot in a puddle...and then straight away the next one. Totally soaked but happy I arrived back home after visiting my main school and wandering around in the city center.

Until now I'm really enjoying Ledonian life, even though there is heaps to organise! But that's good, keeps you moving ;) I have already explored bits and pieces of Leeds, looked for a place to live (still haven't found anything, but have been quite lax about it), bought the essential things to survive, even got a mobile. Now I just have to arrange a bank account and the I'm all set.
Right now I live with a family and three other assistants, it's a lovely house but just a bit far outside of everything...
typical UK weather
with Jim and Kathi in "The Fox", a local pub in my current home district Roundhay
I spontaneously decided to spend the weekend in Oxford - so I could see my Aussie friend Ben and celebrate his birthday with him... It was a fun weekend - long nights out, 3 o'clock pizza in the "Retreat",  sightseeing and yummy meatball pasta!!! I even managed to have breakfast with another FLA (foreign language assistant) from Austria!
visting Ben's town

funny faces with Ben's sister Rhiannon
Tomorrow [or rather in a couple of hours, so I should really go and sleep now] I'll visit my second school...I am really curious about how things will be - it seems as if both schools were quite we'll see.

Well, I should get going, looking forward to hearing from you guys.
Big hug,
Michi, xx

1 comment:

  1. ha it seems as if i figured it from now on you can even leave me a comment here ;)
